Training Workshop for Parliamentarians: Anti-Corruption and Human Rights

Join us in Doha, Qatar, from February 14th to 16th, 2024, for the “Anticorruption and Human Rights Workshop,” a collaborative training-workshop organised by GOPAC and UNITAR. This event is designed to empower parliamentarians by providing them with a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between anticorruption efforts and Human Rights, as well as fostering essential leadership qualities. Participants will explore how corruption can undermine the protection and promotion of Human Rights, and they will learn practical strategies to effectively contribute to both anticorruption initiatives and Human Rights advocacy within their legislative roles. Gain insights from successful anticorruption and Human Rights strategies from around the world and develop the skills and leadership qualities necessary for promoting integrity, transparency, and the respect of Human Rights in parliamentary work.

We invite all interested individuals to register for our upcoming workshop using the provided link. The process is straightforward: click the registration link, complete the online form, and your details will be securely stored for consideration. Our selection process will identify the 20 most qualified participants, so please register by the January 15th deadline for a chance to join this enriching experience.

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